Royal Poinciana Tree

Flamboyant Royal Poinciana Tree

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With bold colors and an alternating pattern, this picture of a vibrant Hawaii Royal Poinciana tree in bloom looks almost impressionistic, like a bright Van Gogh. Through the fern-like leaves and orange blossoms, one can see the startling blue of the ocean that is so similar to the sky that discerning the point where ocean ends and sky begins is nearly impossible.

Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia) is found as an ornamental tree in many tropic areas of the world and Hawaii is no exception. In fact, it is common to see Poinciana trees from shoreline to mountainside and from developed areas to untouched lands. The limbs branch out so that a full-grown tree covers a huge area, which means it offers plentiful shade.

The base of the tree has tall, wide root stands that Hawaiians have used to make ukulele’s and other instruments needing wider, single-piece wood.

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