Want to See Your Hawaii Pictures Here?
This site relies on amateur and professional photographers sharing their work with us and with others. We’d love the opportunity to see your pictures and share Hawaii through your lens.
What to Submit
- We accept submissions of genres from landscapes to people, sea to summit, breathtaking to surreal, historic to present day, black and white to color, untouched to HDR.
- We just require that your picture be your own work (not someone else’s), and not profain (as judged by us).
- We prefer photos in a .jpg format around 1600px wide at 72dpi. (Not sure what yours is? Send it in and we’ll sort it out.)
- Be sure to include a quick description of where you took the picture, a little about you (for a bio page if we use any of your photos), and a website we can point people to who are interested in seeing more of your shots.
How to Submit
If you’d like to send in a few pictures for consideration to be added to the site, please do any of the following:
- send an email with attached photos to photos@hawaiipictureoftheday.com
- share a link to a photo or gallery with us (photos@hawaiipictureoftheday.com) through your favorite tool (Dropbox, SkyDrive, MediaFire, Google Drive, etc)
- share a link to a photo or gallery on our Facebook page or our Google+ page
- send us a message in Facebook
How We Use Them
If one or more of your pictures is selected as a “picture of the day” we will:
- Post it on this site
- Post it on our Facebook page
- Share it on our Pinterest page
- Post a link to it on our Twitter account
- Give you full credit for the work
- Add your name to the top left corner of the downloadable version of the photo
- Create several sizes of the image, non larger than 1600px wide.
- Create a bio page of you with links to your work on this site
- Publish a link to your own website
- Respect any guidelines you give us in relation to sizing, crediting, downloadablity, and display of your work on this site
Bottom line, we appreciate and respect those who share their pictures with us. We work hard to make sure you get recognition for your photo and that anyone interested in seeing more of your work can find you. We don’t pay for photos, so we try to make up for it in helping your online visibility (publication), and find-ability (search engine optimization).
The Terms
By submitting a photo or photos to us you are agreeing that:
- The work is entirely your own.
- You have permission to share the picture.
- We have permission to share the picture in all the places detailed in “How We Use Them” above.
- You understand you are sharing them with us free of any fee, charge, or license.
- You retain full copyright of the work.
I love taking pics when I do my walking around Makakilo.