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Saint Michael the Archangel Church was dedicated in 1855 as the first Catholic church in Kona, about 35 years after the first missionaries came ashore and started Mokuaikaua, the first church (Protestant or Catholic) in the islands.
Originally built of lava rock, coral, and sand, the church was used as both church and living quarters for its priest. Since then the church has undergone only a few renovations. This beautiful stained glass window, along with others, were commissioned and added to the church in the mid 1990’s.
From the Photographer:
Stained Memories – In the first Catholic church of Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, US. A lava rock church built in 1850 – St. Michael’s Church.
The church was decommissioned in 2006 after earthquakes damaged it beyond repair. The building still stands though and can be visited for great shots like this.