Lumahai River, Kauai

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Flowers adorn the shore of the Lumaha’i River flowing down the island of Kaua’i and into the Pacific Ocean.

Just after famous Hanalei Bay, you can find Lumaha’i Beach and Lumaha’i River. This location is beautiful and fun. A leisurely walk along the beach upriver reveals a less commonly seen side of Kaua’i apart from the ocean.

In the winter time the waves on the beach become treacherous and command beachgoers full respect. So, many choose to instead appreciate them from a distance and stroll along the upper beach and river.

From the Photographer:

“Aloha from Lumahai River! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.”

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About Kauai Carver

Keoni Durant is known throughout the world for his traditional Hawaiian sculpture and jewelry. His art honors the ways of his Kanaka Maoli ancestors, the original settlers and high chiefs of the Polynesian Archipelago now known as Hawaii. Many of the photos featured here are taken by Heather Shadur, Keoni's ku'uipo.