Kona Pier Playing


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Children play in the shallows of the Kailua Kona pier at the end of a sunny day. Although this spot is the official starting point of the World Ironman Championships, it is more often used as a local swimming hole for the kids.

Most towns along the leeward shores of Hawaii have a playtime keiki (children) swimming spot where the area is more shallow and more protected from waves and the kids can burn off as much energy as they’d like. Kona has several and this one at a main intersection in town gets plenty of use.

Alongside the kids, this spot is also in constant use by swimmers of all levels–beginners through professional triathletes–staying in shape and improving times. Being in the water here offers views of the pier and downtown Kona looking up at Hualalai summit, which is visible in the mornings and on clear days.

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