Rose Grape Tree
Beautiful pinks and purples cascade from the sky creating a dizzying blur of colors, as the branches of a Rose Grape Tree bob up and down like fish eggs on so many hooks, waiting to catch passersby attention. read more
Beautiful pinks and purples cascade from the sky creating a dizzying blur of colors, as the branches of a Rose Grape Tree bob up and down like fish eggs on so many hooks, waiting to catch passersby attention. read more
A bright pink hibiscus, fully opened to the Hawaii sunlight displays its most intimate parts, attracting various insects to spread its colorful yellow pollen to others, making way for future generations of this beautiful flower. read more
A beautiful bunch of purple blossoms burst from their single green stem, taking in the bright afternoon sunlight at a Maui lavender farm. read more
A delicate Cattleya orchid (ʻOkika in the Hawaiian language) displays its intricate white petal with purple lips pattern in Hawaii. read more
A bright pink Hibiscus looks over incoming waves as a nearby fan palm sways gently in the breeze atop a Hawaiian hillside. read more
A beautiful bunch of red and yellow sage flowers in full bloom of alternating colors greets fortunate passers-by on the island of Maui. As the flowers blossom, they transform from a tight, square dome into soft, ruffle-edged petals. read more
At a former protea farm on the island of Maui, a King Protea displays its trademark shiny leaves, a collection of white and yellow flowers at the center, surrounded by prized soft pink bracts with a silvery sheen. read more
Deep contrasts of purple and green roll down a hillside of strongly scented lavender in late spring upcountry Maui. read more
In Hawaiian, the plumeria is called, “melia.” These soft, abundantly fragrant flowers have become a hallmark of Hawaii. Sitting in tight, beautiful bunches atop small trees, plumeria beckon to be seen, smelled, and plucked from their branches to enjoy throughout the day. read more
In the Hawaiian language “akena” means, “To boast, brag, admire, praise.” Although we’re not sure why Mr. DeCamp chose this name specifically, it is easy to understand its application to this stand-out flower. read more
A bright yellow orchid displays itself in full bloom on the Big Island at the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Gardens. read more
The island of Kauai is known as, “The Garden Isle” for it’s lush hillsides and valleys carpeted in life. This beautiful purple water lily captured on Kauai is a good representation of the bursts of color seen all around the island. read more